Sunday, September 7, 2014

Howdy Folks!

Hey everyone! My name's Francis R. (You can call me Franky). I'm a first year student at Bunker Hill Community College, and first time student at any college. I'm a lifelong resident of Boston, & attended Latin Academy. I graduated in 2010 & have been working on & off since then. I haven't declared my major yet but I'm looking into aspects of different ones. I'm a fan of the social sciences, psychology & sociology, as well as technological & computer sciences. As a fan of lots of different science fiction it's interesting to see how closer the human race is coming year after year to some of that tech.

I chose online courses to ease myself back into school, and so far it seems like a solid decision. The flexibility is more helpful than I'd originally hoped. I'm still wary but hopefully things continue to go as well as they have thus far!

I'm a big fan of picking apart media. Cartoons, television, films, all of them. I especially love finding ads & marketing hidden in scenes. This main character drinking a Pepsi, this one driving a Kia, another one using Samsung phones. The ways the marketing industry can insert advertisements into anything with so few noticing is always an interesting topic to me.

Hopefully this course can help tie into some of those ideas, and at least help my understanding of my other classes!

1 comment:

  1. Franky,

    Good first post. Yes, product placement is a fun to catch in movies and media. It seems like the most logical way to sneak "commercials" into the programming. The lines are blurring in that sense.

    Sounds like you're still trying to figure out your career, which is normal for first year students. Maybe this course will help you get closer to that conclusion. Social sciences are very interesting to me as well. I was a history major before studying international relations.

    Here are some suggestions for your next post.

    1. Be sure to include at least 2-3 pictures per post. This will help to catch the eyes of your readers - and pictures will also further explain what you intend to convey in your message. Select images that have a theme or that go with your overall design.

    2. Your writing is excellent. It's great to see that you have a good craft going so far. I hope to see this skill develop as we write more structured posts in the future weeks.

    I think this is a good first start. Don't forget the pics.

    GR: 93
